The Rotary Club of
South East Nassau
Chartered 1976
The South-Easter
As we wrap up Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Month - the RCSEN has a fun and exciting meeting planned focusing on learning Giraffe Language for better communication.
The Giraffe's Language is a simple way to express our feelings and needs (not our judgements and demands) in a gentle and non-attacking manner. 
Recap: February 23rd, 2024 - Dr. Juliette Storr shared with the club an interesting and engaging topic of your "role" in communicating peace and conflict resolution. Above our guest speaker is pictured receiving certificate of appreciation from PI Director Azaleta and President Leah. Dr. Storr will be visiting the club for Part 2 on Feb. 28th with a topic on:  Non-Violent Communication and Learning Giraffe Language!
How to build peace locally: 3 tools for Rotarians

Posted on  by rotaryservice

By Summer Lewis, Rotary-IEP Partnership Coordinator

Lesly Martinez Villanueva from San Antonio, Tolima. Pictured at the first regional Positive Peace Workshop in Ibagué, Colombia.

When you think about peace, do you think about actions, like how peace is lived and practiced? Are you seeing images of violence and war and thinking peace is the “opposite” of that?

Actually, there is no one right way to define peace. There are many ways to work towards it.

That’s why Rotary has partnered with the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) to lead the conversation to define what peace is (and isn’t), how peace is measured, and how peace is practiced. IEP is an independent think tank and leader in the study of peace and conflict, dedicated to providing research and tools to help shift the paradigm of peace by making it a tangible and concrete measure of human well-being and progress.

The Rotary-IEP Partnership provides the perfect opportunity to combine Rotary’s mission to promote peace and goodwill in the world with Rotarians’ dedication to service. The partnership offers activities and tools for the Rotary family to foster peace locally and internationally.

So how can you put peace into action in your club and community?

1. Join the Rotary Positive Peace Academy

The Academy is a free online training course that provides knowledge, skills, and tools to better understand and promote peace in your community and area of influence. Through the Academy’s four training modules, learn about IEP and how to measure peace, understand the Positive Peace framework, and gain concrete ways to engage in Rotary’s peace work. The Academy takes approximately four hours total to complete, and you can work through it at your own pace.

Sign up for the Rotary Positive Peace Academy here!

2. Start a conversation about Positive Peace in your club and community

A  toolkit for bringing together Rotarians and local peacebuilders to discuss = practical peace investments that can be made in your community. To facilitate that discussion, download the PowerPoint presentation and facilitation guide for your Rotary club meetings or district conferences::

3. Host a Positive Peace Workshop – coming soon

Equip young leaders with the knowledge they need to build and sustain peace in their communities by hosting Positive Peace Workshops. Held by local Rotary clubs and districts using funding provided by The Rotary Foundation Global Grants, these workshops connect participants with concrete opportunities for action. A curriculum and guide will be available in mid-2019 based on workshops taking place currently in Mexico and Colombia .

In the meantime, if you’d like to explore options for hosting your own Positive Peace Workshop, please contact me.

Regardless of how you choose to engage with peace, it’s important to remember that we are all peacebuilders and we all have the capacity to make change.

Tell us how you are using the Rotary-IEP Partnership tools to put peace into action locally at #RotaryPositivePeace. For more information on the Rotary-IEP Partnership and putting peace into action locally, contact Summer Lewis.

A reminder that if you have any makeup meetings, please fill out the below form to have your attendance logged: 
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Feb 23
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The ‘barter baron’ of Syracuse, Bernie Bregman, has a knack for recruiting Rotary members.


Members promoted mental health, protected mangrove forests, and helped Indigenous young people increase their economic opportunities

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RCSEN Columbus Primary Welcome 28-08-23
Edwin Smiley Bastian Steak-Out 2023
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RCSEN July Social @ Trudy's
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