The Rotary Club of
South East Nassau
Chartered 1976
The South-Easter
Love binds everything in perfect harmony! What is your "love language"? Is it a warm kiss, a snuggly hug, a deep stare of admiration, or a cheerful pat on the back or the hips? Do you and your partner have nicknames like "snoopy" or "pookie boo"? No matter what the affectionate name may be, "LOVE" is special to the both of you. Join Us at our Weekly Meeting this February 14th at the Nassau Yacht Club 12:30pm for a Panel Discussion on "What is your love Language" and get some Fun Advice from Rotarians! Host Past President Frank McGwier has his questions geared up for our RCSEN panelists! His wife Sandy will be there to cheer him on.  Please bring a guest - your significant other or a friend.  This is a celebration of those we cherish! 

“If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.”

– Nelson Mandela

Recap: Feb. 7th,2024 Guest Speaker ASP Kendra Whyms spoke recently to the club on the topic of Domestic Violence. ASP Whyms is seen above being present with the vote of thanks and appreciation by PAG Tim.
Recap: Feb.10th,2024 - Public Image Director Azaleta with IPRIP and Rotary Foundation Trustee Jennifer Jones shares a million dollar smile at the recent Rotary Foundation "Million Dollar Dinner" hosted by the Rotary Club of East Nassau.
4 ways to build peace through Rotary

Posted on  by rotaryservice

By Rotary Service and Engagement Staff

According to UNHCR, 65.6 million people are currently displaced by conflict, violence, or persecution. Rotary members refuse to accept conflict as a way of life and are committed to pursuing projects that address the structural causes of conflict, including poverty, inequality, ethnic tension, lack of access to education, and unequal distribution of resources.

Rotary projects provide trainings that fosters understanding and equip communities with skills to resolve conflicts. During February, Rotary Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month, build peace and mitigate conflict by:

  1. Incorporating conflict resolution and mediation strategies into service projects involving local schools, orphanages, workplaces, and community centers.
  2. Supporting marginalized groups in risk of violence or persecution by providing relief to those who have fled areas of conflict.
  3. Participating in fellowship and service activities with Rotary clubs in other parts of the world to promote greater international understanding.
  4. Recruiting candidates for a Rotary Peace Fellowship. Up to 100 peace fellowships are offered annually at Rotary Peace Centers at universities around the world.


Bring your project idea to life with guidance from a Rotarian Action Group

Find support for your initiatives from our partners

  • Peace Corps, an independent U.S. federal agency, sends U.S. citizens abroad to help tackle the most pressing needs around the world while promoting better international understanding. Peace Corps Volunteers live and work alongside the people they support to create sustainable change that lives on long after their service. A Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) offers access to local contacts, community development insights, and funding possibilities within a particular community. Involving a PCV in your project will increase its reach, impact, and sustainability. Read the Rotary-Peace Corps partnership fact sheet and inspirational stories of Rotary members that have been impacted by the partnership.
  • Rotary is working with the Institute for Economics and Peace to create an online learning platform, with webinars and interactive tools, that members and Rotary Peace Fellows can use to build on their expertise. Rotary and the institute will also develop positive peace workshops, funded by global grants and hosted by Rotary clubs, to provide training in the framework of positive peace. Contact Area of Focus Manager Rebecca Crall for additional details.
A reminder that if you have any makeup meetings, please fill out the below form to have your attendance logged: 
Welcome to The Rotary Club of South East Nassau
South-East Nassau
Service Above Self
Wednesdays at 12:30 PM
Nassau Yacht Club (also via Zoom)
East Bay St.
Nassau, N.P.
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Richard Adderley
February 5
Rowena Bethel
February 6
Bryan Russell
February 27
Ronald Brooks
February 27
Rishad Bain
Hallnika Bain
February 6
Dagni Prosa
Jeremy Parr
February 8
Club Anniversaries
Peter Bates
Feb 18 [14yrs]
Jamaal Davis
Feb 23 [12yrs]
Rotary's RSS Feed

Rotary partners with Bahçeşehir University to establish Peace Center in TurkeyNew center will train regional peacebuilders through a one-year Rotary Peace


Minneapolis-St. Paul set to host Rotary’s 120th international convention in 2029

Photo Albums
RCSEN 47th Club Anniversary
RCSEN Columbus Primary Welcome 28-08-23
Edwin Smiley Bastian Steak-Out 2023
RCSEN Meeting 2nd August 2023
RCSEN 2023 Change-Over and Awards
RCSEN July Social @ Trudy's
Rotary Club of Southeast Nassau
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Rotary International
End Polio
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