The Rotary Club of
South East Nassau
Chartered 1976
The South-Easter
It's Meeting Week and you are invited to our April 24th Meeting @ East Villa Restaurant at 6:30 pm
Join us with our Guest Speaker Dr. Dashawn Saunders, Kids First Pediatrics and Chief Pediatrics at the Princess Margaret Hospital
"Focus on Autism and the Work of R.E.A.C.H"
April 24th Meeting @ Pirates Republic Brewing Co. 6:30 pm
Guest Speaker Dr. Trevor Johnson 
"Disaster Preparedness 101"
April 26th World Intellectual Property Day
April 17th Meeting -: Guest Speaker Dr. Brandon J. Bethel enlightened the club on exploring Ocean-Renewable energy for electricity generation in the Bahamas. He is seen pictured above with PP Lionel and PP Reg.
Our April 17th Raffle Prize Winner
PP Jhamal
RCSEN Zumba Soca Tune Up Party 
Friday 26th @ 6:30 pm
Cost: $15.00
Earth Day 2024: Ending Single-Use Plastic

Plastics are one of the most pressing environmental threats we face. And it is a threat that the events industry can do something about.

Author: Barbara Palmer       
plastic cups piled on floor

r.World, a company that provides reusable service ware, estimates 4 billion single-use plastic cups are used annually at live events in North America.

The official theme for Earth Day 2024 is “Planet vs. Plastic,” a call to arms issued by to reduce all plastic production by 60 percent by 2040 and to rapidly phase out all single-use plastics by 2030. Plastics are not only an imminent environmental issue, polluting our rivers and oceans and killing marine life, “they present a threat to human health as alarming as climate change,” according to a statement posted on, which grew out of the first Earth Day in 1970. “As plastics break down into microplastics, they release toxic chemicals into our food and water sources and circulate through the air we breathe.”

Single-use plastic is a particular problem in the U.S., a top global producer of plastic waste and where 100 billion plastic beverage containers were sold last year — more than 300 bottles per resident, according to Recycling programs aren’t putting even a dent in the demand for new plastic production: 95 percent of all plastics in the U.S. won’t be recycled at all, the organization reported. There is no comprehensive data about the amount of plastic waste in the events industry, but one marker is the 4 billion single-use cups that r.World, a company that provides reusable service ware, estimates are used annually at live events in North America.

On a more hopeful note, eliminating single-use plastics is an issue that not only has broad support in the events industry, but one in which multiple organizations are making significant progress. Just last week, ASM Global, which operates more than 350 venues around the world, announced that it would partner with r.World to introduce reusable service ware in venues in its North American portfolio, beginning with the Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center.

At the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the campaign to end single-use plastics began eight years ago with an effort to remove single-use plastics from the venue’s gift shops and which now includes the Aquarium’s events and catering operations and has had a ripple effect throughout Monterey’s hospitality community.

On this Earth Day, it’s good to celebrate these examples of small changes that create greater impact — and to vow to do better.

Barbara Palmer is deputy editor of Convene.

Welcome to The Rotary Club of South East Nassau
South-East Nassau
Service Above Self
Wednesdays at 12:30 PM
Nassau Yacht Club (also via Zoom)
East Bay St.
Nassau, N.P.
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Penelope Nottage
April 5
Reg Saunders
April 5
Marvin Bethell
April 6
Earle Bethell
April 18
Carla McCombe
April 20
Rema Martin
April 27
Ralph Barnett
April 11
Calnan Weech
Sharon Inniss-Weech
April 17
Club Anniversaries
Rowena Bethel
April 1, 1995
29 years
Shakera Rolle
April 7, 2021
3 years
Reg Saunders
April 13, 2005
19 years
Aurea Bethell
April 18, 2018
6 years
Rotary South-East Nassau
JUNE 29th, 2024 @ 7PM
More Details to Come !
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Rotary’s Give Every Child a Future program vaccinates 100,000 young people


Take away bold ideas about how to improve your club experience, your community, and the world from breakout sessions at the Rotary convention in Singapore.

Photo Albums
RCSEN 47th Club Anniversary
RCSEN Columbus Primary Welcome 28-08-23
Edwin Smiley Bastian Steak-Out 2023
RCSEN Meeting 2nd August 2023
RCSEN 2023 Change-Over and Awards
RCSEN July Social @ Trudy's
Rotary Club of Southeast Nassau
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