The Rotary Club of
South East Nassau
Chartered 1976
The South-Easter
"Taking it Back to Youth" 
Wednesday May 8th @ 6:30PM
Pirate's Republic Brewery Co.
on Achieving the 
Joint Community Service Project
with D6990 Rotarians
On May 5th, South-East Nassau joined other local Rotarians and Rotarians from District 6990 who visited the Bahamas as one of their port stops on their District Conference cruise. This joint community service project was held at The Retreat, Bahamas National Trust, Village Road. 
Rotary Youth Exchange gave me hope for peace

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Kate Roff

Kate Roff

By Kate Roff, a former Rotary Youth Exchange student

Being lost in the middle of the bustling, hazy, city of Bangkok, Thailand, is not ideal for a 17-year-old Australian girl. But, it was a moment that changed my life.

I was on Rotary Youth Exchange and despite excellent instructions from my caring host-family; I had no idea how the intricate bus system worked, and hadn’t mastered the language yet to ask. After boarding the wrong bus for the third time, a young student calmly stood up, took me by the arm and walked me miles down the road to the right stop. She spoke little English, but waited patiently until my bus arrived and told the driver my destination. It must have added a full hour to her day, and she wanted nothing in return – just to help a stranger.

Bangkok street scene

A bustling, hazy, street scene in Bangkok, Thailand. Photo by Joe Powers

I was shocked. I had never encountered such kindness. That was one of many moments I was humbled by the generosity of the Thai people during my exchange year, and something that I hold up as proof of genuine compassion in the world.

Peace News screenshot

Peace News provides alternative news stories from conflict zones.

Today, I am the founding editor of Peace News – a new media platform that provides alternative news stories from conflict zones. While mainstream war reporting focuses on violence, explosions, and hatred, we focus on telling stories of peace-builders. Wars need to be covered, but we aim to provide balance to the reporting – in every conflict zone there are people taking risks for peace, and we want to show that side as well.

In my line of work I see, and hear about, horrific violence, and it’s often difficult to keep faith in humanity. I believe it’s a growing fear for many people today, and sensationalist media representations of how ‘bad the world is becoming’ don’t help. We often need reminding that there are still great people out there, that there are inspiring examples of tolerance and empathy still going on.

My year as an exchange student showed me that there is good reason to have hope, and provided me with a platform to direct my career. Through the endless examples of kindness from a host country, and also exposure to many cultures through other exchange students, I saw enormous capacity for a global community. Rotary taught me to appreciate and respect diversity – a hot topic today with global immigration debates.

I have no idea who that student was who stopped to direct a confused foreigner all those years ago, but her act reminds me daily of what one moment of empathy can do. She taught me to have a little trust in the world we are so often trying furiously to change – and to always travel with a bus map.

Welcome to The Rotary Club of South East Nassau
South-East Nassau
Service Above Self
Wednesdays at 12:30 PM
Nassau Yacht Club (also via Zoom)
East Bay St.
Nassau, N.P.
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Rosena Stubbs
May 7
Timothy Ingraham
May 8
Peter Wong 
May 9
Ivan Carroll
May 23
Christopher Stuart
May 25
Cerys Howells
May 28
Javon Morley
May 31
Ruth Barr-Bethell
May 31
Marvin Bethell
May 26
Jamaal Davis
Robin Davis
May 31
Club Anniversaries
Larry Treco
May 1, 1982
42 years
Marvin Bethell
May 1, 1984
40 years
Ralph Barnett
May 1, 1983
41 years
Tsega Thompson
May 5, 2021
3 years
Megan Minus
May 23, 2018
6 years
Bridgette Rolle JP
May 24, 2004
20 years
Monique Crawford
May 24, 2004
20 years
Stanford Charlton
May 29, 2013
11 years
Kent Forbes
May 31, 2017
7 years
Rotary South-East Nassau
JUNE 29th, 2024 @ 7PM
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Rotary member John Sever’s work to end polio spanned decades and was marked by unwavering determination and resolve.


Rotary recognizes President Emmanuel Macron for France’s commitment to a polio-free worldPARIS (4 May 2024) – Rotary International presented its Polio Eradication Champion Award to French President Emmanuel Macron

Photo Albums
RCSEN 47th Club Anniversary
RCSEN Columbus Primary Welcome 28-08-23
Edwin Smiley Bastian Steak-Out 2023
RCSEN Meeting 2nd August 2023
RCSEN 2023 Change-Over and Awards
RCSEN July Social @ Trudy's
Rotary Club of Southeast Nassau
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RCSEN Instagram
Rotary International
End Polio
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